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In the morning, I got up at nine o 'clock. Rub eyes, picked up the book on the bedside table, it seems, with relish every plot of the story appeared in my mind. About ten o 'clock, I would hesitate to put the books on the bedside table, wash a face to brush one's teeth, pitch-black shining hair into a piece of horsetail. I walked to the front of the teapot, a "tea" button, the kettle to the pot of water to do the ideological work. I can't leave on the morning of the book, the thought of the wonderful plot in the book, I haven't finished, he went into the bedroom, picked up the book. I watch, forget to turn off the switch button, the water in the kettle was out, the chassis has been burnt, I panicked, quickly picked up the kettle, with dry dishcloth struggled a bit, "water". Can the chassis? I used his quick wits, remembering the day before yesterday to see in cctv10 technology channel, teach us how to put the chassis dispel dark things, I will, as he said that to spinach, stained with water, wipe on the chassis, finally I passed. The difficulties. I burned a pot of water, waiting. Finally opened, I put the blister cereal, eat the steamed bread. To fill the stomach. A look at the table, 11:45, hurriedly wear coat went downstairs who has lunch! Good morning, let me in a hurry. At noon, after lunch. "Enjoy" the TV dinner for a while. Do intellectual work is about to begin. I write to write, I do. After the work in three hours of "mining". Section down is my "relaxed" moment. I sat on the piano chair, a force, like the drawing, at my side. I raise my hands, and a ready to hit the keys. My hands fully lit up on the "top", no sorrow, after another beautiful music, from my ear. Suddenly, I and melts at a piano. Happy surfing the Internet is indispensable.


Talking about on that day, I got up early, because I want to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, the "big things" I'm going to do it. I picked up Spring Festival couplets and everyone started already prepared stick, scissors and tape paper I brought. Preparations were made, I was in the ear, "chicken feet", picks up the couplets, cloth with scissors to cut the tape to a stick on the door, and then another. With horizontal batch. Looked at his "masterpiece", these skies I couldn't help but laugh: "I'm a genius! Ha, ha, ha!" "Heaven's fool!" Suddenly a ruler heartlessly knocks on my forehead. Turned out to be a mother, she said, pointing to this pair of couplets: ShangXiaLian no alignment, and backwards! "" backwards? How should the ShangXiaLian points ah? "I'm a face of doubt. Mother pretend to be a very learned, said:" well, let me tell you. The ancients pair to pay attention to "flat" and "anti-antithesis", "flat" is the first and second now, "anti-antithesis" is the third and the fourth, the general part of the last word is "anti-antithesis", bottom allied the last word is "flat" sound. "Oh, still have so much knowledge to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. I gave this part" samsung skies safe house "and bottom allied" five blessings prosperous home "the truth-that the wrong position, alas, I lost this idiot is really a shame home! The next tear was a nuisance, mother said don't put the paper torn, I the dickens of intact and peel the couplet.


Long-expected winter vacation finally arrived, the students must have any plans? Of course, I am no exception, below, please listen to my "interest" winter vacation!

My winter holiday is mainly divided into two large plan, first plan is like this. First before the Chinese New Year winter vacation homework all finished! How do you write? From January 15th to January 29, just 15 days! It doesn't matter, look at my little plan!

4 days, the winter vacation homework finished writing. Less than 5 days holiday a year I would have finished the homework, this year I'm going to break the record!

1 day, hand out the newspaper, painting, arts and crafts. The more relaxed.

Within five days, finished writing the composition. You know, Chinese and language in a total of 14, although a little reluctantly, but I think still can be done.

Within five days, finish writing diary. A diary, a total of only 12, not much, not much!

In this way, can finish the work within 15 days!


  • 標籤: 作文 年級 寒假 英語 年味寒假作文
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